sacred motherhood portal

Welcome to The Temple.

A sacred space for Activated Mama’s anchoring and integrating love, wisdom and healing through Motherhood.

A Mama temple offering

The Podcast

Reclaiming our Sacred Motherhood and exploring the metamorphic experience of becoming Mother.

Ready to Step into your Creative Power?


Content Creation

Open up your channels through writing and content creation. 

Sign up today to get notified when our Content Course is ready to launch. Go deep into the creation process, learn content strategy, pathways to monetization and more! 

Just for Moms.


Support Group

Moms supporting Moms for action & integration in this Circle of Wisdom. 

Follow The Mama Temple on Facebook to be notified and get exclusive access.

Coming Soon.


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What if I told you becoming a Mother could be a portal into a new anchoring of healing and integration?

Through my own experiences of reconnecting with my Sacred Motherhood and reclaiming my right to travel through my Motherhood journey from a place of personal and spiritual empowerment, I created The Mama Temple as a sacred space for Mama’s to come together, activate and honour this metamorphic experience.

My goal is to support other Mothers on their journey by sharing my deeply personal experiences and everything I have learned and continue to learn. The Mama Temple is an offering for all Mothers feeling spiritually and emotionally overwhelmed within the setting of modern motherhood and yearning to be the conscious and loving parents that they desperately want and expected to be.  



Your Village is Here


"Your content resonated with me so much!! It's great info and very eye opening and makes me feel less crazy."


What Sacred Motherhood means to me.

Learn more about this Content Course just for Mama's. Coming soon.