
Hello, I'm Kate Aries, creator of The Mama Temple.

Kate Aries Sacred Motherhood Activist

Kate Aries is the host and creator of The Mama Temple, a Sacred Motherhood Activist and Spiritual Writer based in Melbourne, Australia.

After completing her degree in (BA) International Studies with Honours at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University in 2012, Kate spent 7 years travelling the World and learning about different cultures by living in spiritual communities and at ancient energetic sacred sites. She experienced different ways of thinking and living, diving deep into the esoteric and metaphysical realities of this world with the help of spiritual practices and sacred medicine ceremonies. 

During this time she also went through a number of personal challenges and trauma, becoming a survivor of domestic abuse and recovering from depression and an eating disorder. 

Kate’s academic and life experiences served as the foundation for her spiritual and personal developmental work, however it took becoming a Mother to begin to truly integrate this knowledge and gain a new perspective on what it means to holistically step into one’s personal and spiritual power.


Through her deeply personal and painful challenges in Motherhood, especially from the perspective of Mothering as a survivor of trauma, she has gained a deeper understanding of the unique struggles of new Motherhood in a modern society, severed from its connection to this Sacred Motherhood Energy.

The further she goes along this path of exploring what it means to reclaim our Sacred Motherhood Energy, the more passionate she becomes about Sacred Motherhood Activation and advocating for the conditions to allow this Energy to be embodied and integrated. 

Kate created The Mama Temple as a catalyst to reclaim this connection and support other Mothers who might be experiencing similar struggles and overwhelm in their own Motherhood journey. Through the Mama Temple, Kate offers spiritual guidance and counselling in the areas of motherhood, childbirth, lifestyle, health and fitness, culture and counselling services in the field of personal development and self improvement. 

connect WIth KATE

What if I told you becoming a Mother could be a portal into a new anchoring of healing and integration?

Through my own experiences of reconnecting with my Sacred Motherhood and reclaiming my right to travel my Motherhood journey from a place of personal and spiritual empowerment, I created The Mama Temple as a place for Mama’s to come together, activate and honour this metamorphic experience. 

My goal is to support other Mothers on their journey by sharing my deeply personal experiences and everything I have learned and continue to learn. The Mama Temple is an offering for all Mothers feeling spiritually and emotionally overwhelmed within the setting of modern motherhood and yearning to be the more conscious and loving parents that they desperately want and expected to be.  

For those wanting to stay connected to their spiritual practice while in the throes of motherhood, but lacking the support and time they need to integrate their healing and spiritual wisdom, and as a result unable to access their full power and potential. 


"You speak to my Soul"

Kate is on a mission to connect Mothers around the World so no Mom feels alone during Motherhood. 

Your next step

Ready to join an amazing community of likeminded Mamas?

Activated Moms supporting Moms for action & integration in this Circle of Wisdom. 

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